Hoya tact fitting guide
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The HOYALUX TACT lens design provides a choice of two fitting options for optimizing vision. Fitting option Eye Point 40 (EP40) provides the patient with 40% of. iQ represents the foundation of HOYA's Free-Form science. It 4 Summit ecp: 18mm minimum fitting height the fitting point. HOYALUX tACt.Prescription Checking Position. Prism Reference Point. Regular Indoor Progressive Lenses. Hoyalux iD WorkStyle Lenses. Hoyalux iD WorkStyle – Fitting Chart. hoya tact occupational lens. hoya tact 40 vs 60. hoya tact minimum fitting height. hoya tact 200. hoya add power fitting guide. hoya tact 200 fitting guide. iD LifeStyle 2 Fitting Guides *Due to the nature of how Hoya Array lens is produced, actual room for cutout may be Tact BKS Fitting Guide. In order to dispense Nulux iDentity V+ it is important to give individualised measurements together with vertical fitting heights. All lenses are available with Summit ecp iQ: 18mm minimum fitting height. • Summit cd iQ: 14mm minimum fitting height. Using aspheric and atoric curves on the back side enhances the optical
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